MORE: California 2022 ballot propositions: Proposition 29

MORE: California 2022 ballot propositions: Proposition 29

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BAKERSFIELD, Calif. (KERO) — In our ongoing coverage of the 2022 election, 23ABC continues to break down the ballot propositions that will be decided by voters over the next two weeks. Proposition 29 asks voters to consider transparency for kidney dialysis centers and clinics.

The proposal was presented by the International Union of Service Workers of the United Medical Workers of the West. If passed, it would require doctors and nurses to be present at the facility while patients receive dialysis, and telemedicine services would only be allowed in certain cases.

Dialysis companies will have to disclose data on infections to the state, as well as which doctors have ownership stakes in the clinics.

Passage of Proposition 29 would also ensure that any patient can seek treatment at these clinics, regardless of their income or insurer, and dialysis clinics would need state approval to close.

Supporters of the proposal say it will bring transparency when it comes to private, for-profit kidney dialysis clinics. They argue that despite high profits, these clinics do not invest in quality care and patient safety.

Supporters of the measure also say that adding a qualified medical officer to the clinic’s current staff will ensure that any medical complications that arise during the hours-long dialysis process are properly attended to, which could reduce hospitalizations.

Opponents of Proposition 29 argue that dialysis companies already provide quality care and patient safety and that infection data is already reported to the federal government. They also say it will cost more money to add doctors to the staff, which could lead to some clinics having to limit their hours or close their doors entirely.

The cost of passing Proposition 29 will fall largely on private, for-profit dialysis clinics, which will have to hire additional medical staff. These costs will amount to tens of millions of dollars for the clinics.

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