UC Davis event canceled after 100 people fight

UC Davis event canceled after 100 people fight

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UC Davis said it canceled a conservative student event Tuesday night because of a brawl outside the venue, including some who may have been wearing Proud Boys clothing. The event was organized by Turning Point USA, a student organization at the University of California, Davis, and featured Stephen Davis. However, the university said it canceled the event the day before his speech because of a brawl between about 100 protesters and counter-protesters that led to the use of pepper spray, the destruction of barricades and the removal of traffic cones. UC Davis staff did not use pepper spray, the campus said. Turning Point organizers agreed to cancel Davis’ remarks for safety reasons, UC Davis said. About 30 students with Davis who were waiting in the UC Davis Conference Center were evacuated after some of the brawlers used barricades to beat on the center’s glass, the university said. “It is a pity that the event could not take place as planned,” the university said in a statement. “As a public institution, the California Institute at Davis values ​​and supports freedom of expression as a right guaranteed to every citizen… Hate speech is protected by the First Amendment. Calls to harm others or acts of violence are not.” Some people in According to reports received by the University of California, Davis, the participants in the fight were wearing clothes with the inscription Proud Boys. Proud Boys is a far-right extremist group that is considered to be predominantly violent, misogynistic, Islamophobic, transphobic and anti-immigration.

UC Davis said it canceled a conservative student event Tuesday night because of a brawl outside the venue, including some who may have been wearing Proud Boys clothing.

The event was organized by the Turning Point USA branch of the student organization at the University of California, Davis, and was attended by Stephen Davis. However, the university said it canceled the event the day before his speech because of a brawl between about 100 protesters and counter-protesters that led to the use of pepper spray, the destruction of barricades and the removal of traffic cones.

No one on staff at UC Davis used pepper spray, the campus said.

Turning Point organizers agreed to cancel Davis’ remarks for safety reasons, UC Davis said.

About 30 students with Davis who were waiting in the UC Davis Conference Center were evacuated after some of the brawlers threw barricades at the center’s glass, the university said.

“It is very unfortunate that the event could not take place as planned,” the university said in a statement. “As a public institution, UC Davis values ​​and supports free speech as a right guaranteed to every citizen… Hate speech is protected by the First Amendment. Calls to harm others or acts of violence are not.”

According to reports received by the University of California, Davis, some of the participants in the fight were wearing clothes with the words Proud Boys.

The Proud Boys are a right-wing extremist group considered predominantly violent, misogynistic, Islamophobic, transphobic and anti-immigration, according to the Anti-Defamation League.

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